The Wombs Have It with a White Paper on Misogyny by MES

Misogyny as Original Sin, a New Theodicy of Patriarchy being the Genesis of Racism.

We know that in general, wombyn suffer systemically from the dominance of males.  On jobs, until very recently, the boss at any job site was male.  Amateur Scientist MES says “Misogyny came before Racism”.  This is so compelling a statement I hardly know where to begin.  However, as the story of Patriarchal misogyny is discovered, many works by great thinkers inform.  Moreover was this forming violence against wombyn a generator eventually of racism, in as non-presentist way possible?  We will have a fine White paper embedded here to unpack the main artifacts.

Let us take a brief look at memetic violence.  I do this because one interesting artifact of this violence that formed culture, is that it turned organically upon wombyn, who were simply weaker and more easily subdued and captured for the purpose of ritual sacrifice.  Without presuming to know his work, one should read René Girard.  Our science writer has a theory that patriarchies do not arise in egg bearing sentient species.  For more than two simplifications, are the humans divided by reproductive morphology, and naturally abuses arose.

Another expert Anthropologist (GTG) has been lecturing me about original violence (ala Girard) being aimed at wombyn.  Girard and others had theorized, he told me, that the original violence, the reenactment of important violent events in their history, may have formed society itself.  To follow through this violence formed tribal hate of a specific tribe or set of tribes.  This continues it would seem to today.

In any case, this led to the sacrifice of young wombyn, which necessitated new definitions of wombynhood.  We still don’t have pure scientific basis for analysis of ourselves as the humanities, but new archaeology and linguistics inform mimetic or forming violence.  Dont let the theoretic nature of Girard, or the incomplete historiography of human culture, stop you from understanding how old is a form of misogyny.  Don’t let that stop you from reading “The Scapegoat”.  Wombyn’s physical differences may have become the original cause for acceptance of ‘violence imitating a violent event’ “memeticviolence” (Gerard 1971), turned to female sacrifice.  So with this I introduce the White paper by Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley, our science writer:

    Amid raging firestorms over the forcing through of “The Great Reset” and upheavals over race, the Texas legislature slipped through a de facto ban on abortion, forcing Wombyn & Girls in the geographically largest state of the 48 contiguous states to travel hundreds of miles to cross state lines to obtain what starting in 1973 had been regarded as a constitutional right. Concurrently, ideologues on the opposite side of the aisle from the antiabortionists are inexorably taking away bodily autonomy regarding medical procedures. Clearly, the Proletariat is caught between two intransigent sides of a vise which is reducing all humyns to chattel, bringing to fruition the direst warnings of previously obscure grassroots activists like Alison H. McDowell and “Bantam Joe” Gonzalez, who have been warning for years about the ruling class intent to institute a global digital slave plantation in which “data [harvested from the bodies of the inmates and the environment] is the new oil.” Some activists are rightfully calling this horrific new capitalist model “the digital Inquisition” and “the digital Crusades.” These allusions to historic catholic atrocities will have to be explored in greater detail at a later date. Both the Texas legislation and the medical Inquisition unambiguously point to a pernicious instigating force behind the bloodsoaked history of the humyn species: misogyny.

    Because the subject of misogyny is vast enough to fill an entire library, the scope of this writing is on the role of misogyny in infiltration of left movements and its dire consequences. In the Naughts, News and Letters Committees member Terry Moon (pen name/screen name; I will never reveal her real name) wrote an excellent research article on how the Bolsheviks co-opted a grassroots organic (spontaneous) Wombyn’s revolt in Russia in 1917 to become their October Revolution. I had the great privilege of attending an organizing meeting where she read her paper aloud to a few dozen attendees. She published her fine work in the committees’ monthly newspaper News and Letters. The committees and newspaper are the legacy of the late Raya Dunayevskaya, who had emigrated from the Soviet Union to Chicago, where she spoke and wrote books for the rest of her life about why the Russian revolution was yet another failed revolution. At one point in the ‘30s, male Marxists, known in contemporary times as “brocialists,” threw her down a flight of stairs in Chicago. Miraculously she survived without permanent disabilities. This brutal assault ominously foreshadowed the current War on Wombyn being waged by brocialists and manarchists, over and above that being waged by the right and epitomized by the aforementioned Texas legislation.

    The takeover of a spontaneous Wombyn’s revolt in Russia which Terry Moon investigated was the culmination of centuries of infiltration and takeover of the left labor and abolitionist movements by the reactionary forces of empire. Increasing evidence is being brought to light, including by right wingers, that the USSR was controlled opposition. The nascent labor and abolitionist movements, along with first wave feminism, emerged as the greatest threats to empire in millennia and imperial forces had successfully crushed prior movements via infiltration and takeover. A painful prior case in point in infiltration and takeover was that of the movement of Jeshua of Nazareth after empire had had him executed. Curiously, it was a controversial exhibit at the Kimbell Art Museum on the life of the notorious libertine Casanova (the historical basis of the legend of Don Juan) which, when a politically astute viewer read between the lines, hinted at the infiltration of the left of the day by libertinism (libertinage in French). The exhibit unambiguously and invariably showed Casanova being enthusiastically embraced both by the monarchists and the ‘enlightened’ intellectuals of his day. There was not a hint of any controversy or criticism of his brazen sexual escapades, which he chronicled in excruciating detail in his diary. Libertinism was clearly being proffered and celebrated by the dominant monarchists and philosophers throughout the Enlightenment as a “progressive” “alternative” to the painfully obviously repressive religious fundamentalism of either catholic or protestant varieties. Front and center to libertinism is the sexual exploitation of Wombyn and Girls, known in modern times as sexploitation. Andrea Dworkin, a survivor of brutal prostitution and sexual abuse, was a leading pioneer in outspoken criticism of sexploitation in the ‘70s. She was savagely silenced but a school of thought persisted in second wave feminism which maintained that the sexual revolution was for the benefit of men and not us; that prostitution was contractual rape rather than ‘work,’ a ‘career’ and ‘empowering’ as the libertine school of thought (dominated by brocialists, manarchists and handmaids) insisted. These opposing schools of thought coexisted relatively peacefully throughout the ‘80s, ‘90s and Naughts until the rise of the transcult, beginning in the Naughts and exponentially escalating in the Teens. The second wave school of thought, dismissed as ‘anti-sex,’ evolved into 4th wave feminism, savagely attacked as “trans exclusionary radical feminism” (TERF) and “sex worker exclusionary radical feminism” (SWERF). Appallingly, this hate speech has been subsequently been amended to read “trans exclusionary reactionary fascism” and “sex worker exclusionary reactionary fascism.”

    This deeply divisive schism in the organized left over the course of the Teens was the result of a new generation of CIA infiltration, over and above the historical infiltration which culminated in the rise of the Soviet Union, the PRC’s Cultural Revolution and Cambodia’s killing fields. Starting after WWII, the CIA infiltrated the organized left in order to neutralize this greatest threat to empire, an action made all the more urgent by the upheavals of the Vietnam era. While 1st and 2nd wave feminism had been organic phenomena, so called 3rd wave intersectional feminism is entirely an artifice of infiltration by empire, as surely as Stalinism and Maoism were products of historical infiltration by empire. The brutal bullying of all opposition and criticism which characterizes the transcult, veganism and the covid cult is all the same bullying stemming from the same infiltration. Years of research by dedicated investigative activists like Alison H. McDowell, “Bantam Joe” Gonzalez, Whitney Webb, Niki F. Raampana, Naomi Wolf, Julianne Romanello, Cory Morningstar, Paul Raymond and more have exposed the brutal next generation of capitalism being inexorably rolled out by the ruling classes. Infiltration and takeover of the organized left has been a key tactic in the implementation of this novel incarnation of capitalism, called by such insufferable and execrable euphemisms as “the 4th Industrial Revolution,” “Happytalism,” “sustainable development,” “the Great Reset,” “inclusive capitalism,” “the Third Way,” “the Green New Deal.” “stakeholder capitalism” and much more. This way, empire can launch a direct attack on feminism itself and all Indigenous Traditionalism, including that of the Old World, all the while making it look like an attack on the radical right. Otherwise the general population would never accept the brutalities of a digital Inquisition, digital Witch Hunt, digital pogrom, digital crusade and a digital Doctrine of Discovery.

    This disguise of neoimperialism, neocolonialism, neoconservatism and neoliberalism as ‘activism’ against the radical right was made possible by right wing co-opting of an escalating number of vital line items from Radical Feminism and cultural appropriation of Indigenous Traditionalism around the world by fundamental evangelicals and the catholic radical right which seeks to reinstate Pope Benedict and the Latin mass. This appropriation includes organic agriculture, naturopathic medicine (which had been brutally crushed in Europe by the medieval church in the Inquisition and Witch Hunts), antinuclear activism, fair trade, decriminalization of pot, legalization of hemp, opposing militarization of police, antisurveillance, net neutrality and online privacy, free speech, antiwar activism, opposing mass incarceration and much more. Recent adds to the list of issues appropriated from Radical Feminism and Indigenous Traditionalism include Fight for $15 and anti-pedophilia. In 2019, the rise of monarchists came to my attention during concert attendance. On one occasion I saw another concertgoer in a polo shirt which bore the monarchist crown symbol and read: PROUD TO BE A MONARCHIST. Initially, I dismissed this most popular man at the chamber concert as an eccentric fan of British royalty until I was subsequently horrified to see a bumper sticker in a parking lot outside an organ recital bearing the monarchist crown symbol and which read: MONARCHISTS: THE ONLY REAL CONSERVATIVES. I was appalled that anyone in this day and age would embrace something so patently reactionary as openly advocating monarchism. The subtext behind the monarchist bumper sticker is that the radical right is being transformed into a hybrid and increasingly ‘liberal’ ideology one issue at a time, a hybrid which disguises an inexorably growing list of progressive issues disguised in a cloak of christian fundamentalism. This hybrid ideology, sometimes called voluntarism or anarchocapitalism, is the Reformation in modern times, while so-called 3rd wave intersectional feminism, more accurately called neoliberalism, is the Counter-reformation in Drag. The issue of catholicization of the organized left will also have to be deferred to a later date.

    Intimately related to neoliberal self-styled ‘intersectional feminism’ is the issue of white feminism (TM). When I sighted a live Indo-European (a kurgan) in an Indian restaurant in 2019, I overheard him bragging to his entourage of four Brahman vassals about how they had equality in 300 before christianity. This sighting was over a year after I’d theorized their existence in modern times. Upon recent further processing of this encounter, I now interpret his remarks as a likely allusion to the kurgan origin of white feminism (TM). Indo-European men were absent from their kurgan spouses for years or decades at a time, so that the woMEN certainly had to turn to lovers. Millennia later, this pattern has been repeated in European royal and noble courts, where both sexes turned to thinly disguised lovers in the face of being placed in loveless arranged marriages out of sheer political expediency. The “empire” (pronounced as the French “ahm-PEER”) style gown, which had a waistline just below the bosom, was introduced to disguise pregnancies resulting from all the intrigue which went on in courts. It is a reasonable hypothesis that white feminism (TM) grew out of the affairs which Indo-European women had during the protracted absences of their spouses who were busy conquering the known world. White feminism (TM) is defined as ‘feminism’ which only benefits class privileged white woMEN and throws all other Wombyn under the bus as refuse. A postulated kurgan origin of white feminism (TM) is highly plausible under my kurgan model, which argues that Indo-Europeans were the original white people from Central Asia and represent the racial overcaste. Another line item of my kurgan model is that these Aryan horsemen had acquired a novel psychopathic hereditary disease characterized by a total lack of empathy, which I now call kurgan personality disorder. Unlike antisocial personality disorder, which is certainly X linked and almost exclusively in men and boys, what I call kurgan personality disorder is evenly divided between the sexes. This means that Indo-European women are much more aggressive than ordinary Wombyn and are certainly violent and abusive in bed. I cringe to consider that they certainly bite their lovers right on the yang-yang. Ouch! Promotion of violent, abusive sex is another feature of third wave ‘intersectional feminism’ to which fourth wave feminists object with horror. I have given a tantalizing glimpse of my kurgan geopolitical analysis, another subject I must return to on a later date.

    The Indo-Europeans and their layers of minions down the chain of command have been planning and developing a brutal system of full spectrum dominance assisted by technology. To their complete surprise and horror, Proletarians have been utilizing the web to obtain information censored by the educational system and mass media and using social media to disseminate it and to organize globally. I myself have become one of their worst nightmares: someone who has discovered that living Indo-Europeans are the true ruling class. The dominant kurgan empire and its chief hated rival, the Chinese empire under its current brand of “Chinese communism,” have spent trillions on research into technologies which can implement full spectrum dominance, exterminating most of the Proletariat and enslaving the survivors forever. PR firms have been working steadily to trot out reams of insufferable sugar-coated euphemisms by which this global digital slave plantation is to be called. Mandated compliance to intrusive and invasive allopathic medicine, all based on failed theories, starting with forced vaccination and escalating to forced medication and surgery, is a critical component of digital enslavement. Roe prohibits such a brutal system on the grounds of patient-doctor privacy. Roe originally ruled that undergoing an abortion is a matter of such privacy and is protected by the constitution. Roe concurrently abolished forced sterilization and forced abortion on the same grounds. If Roe stands, all mandatory “covid” testing, mandatory vaccination and all subsequent medical mandates would be ruled unconstitutional on the basis of Roe. Therefore, Roe has to go in order for the digital slave plantation to be built. Since the most openly vocal proponents of medical mandates are self-styled “liberals,” “progressives” and “cultural Marxists,” the job of overturning Roe must be delegated to conservatives in order for fauxgressives to maintain their illusion. This division of labor between fauxgressives and conservatives demonstrates that both sides of the aisle are coordinating their efforts to construct the digital slave plantation. This observation is reinforced by the fact that the most outspoken opponents of forced vaccination in the Republican party and its overseas conservative counterparts are vigorously pushing blockchain, another key component of the digital slave plantation. As surely as the soviet union was controlled opposition, modern conservatives who are ostensibly “anti-vaxx” are also controlled opposition. Clearly, political discourse in this country and around the world is and always has been staged to advance whatever the kurgan agenda is in a particular historical moment. Hence, the motive for the enactment of this suffocatingly restrictive Texas abortion law at this particular moment has become clear: to be the test case for Trump’s supreme court appointees to overturn Roe for once and for all to allow global digital enslavement to proceed with no hope of successful legal challenge.

Thus concludes the white paper.

Cover photo and all photos Mel Lowe.

White Paper above by Marjorie Elizabeth Steakley.

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